
pdf GFA AD 609 issue 4 2017 09 25 Popular

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GFA AD 609 issue 4 2017 09 25



Issue 1 addressed the inspection, identification and possible replacement of the rear seat rudder cable turnbuckle and protective sheath assembly on the SZD-50-3 Puchacz IAW Mandatory Bulletin BE-054/SZD-50-3. This addressed fatigue caused by bending of the turnbuckle assembly from side loads applied by the rear pilot’s foot. Fatigue failures of the turnbuckle could lead to disconnection of the rudder from the pedals. Issue 2 mandated incorporation of ALLSTAR PZL GLIDER Sp. Zo.o modification as detailed in Mandatory Bulletin No.BE-057/SZD-50-3/2006 “Puchacz” (Appendix A). Issue 3 added an alternate means of compliance by incorporating GFA Approved Modification Puchacz-2006-Rear Rudder Pedal Issue 1 (Appendix B). During installation of either modification it was found that variations between aircraft caused pedal rigging issues unless the specified length of the added cable segment was altered. Issue 4 allows the length of the added cable segment to be altered to allow the rudder pedal position to be returned to the original foot angle. Issue 4 also allows the front rudder cable to be replaced and the replacement cable length adjusted to return the front rudder pedals to the original foot angle.